We prefer dynon avionics

Or you can choose garmin

The world's most comfortable seats
It’s unlikely you’ll have experienced anything more comfortable in our class! The Shark’s seats are adjustable for pilots from 150 to 210 cm (4 ft 11 to 6 ft 10) tall. Even after a long cross-country flight, you’ll arrive feeling fresh and alert.

Hands On Throttle and Stick. There’s a reason why F-16 and F-35 incorporate HOTAS – reduced workload, improved situational awareness, enhanced manoeuvrability, integration of controls.In the Shark, you’ll likely most appreciate the comfort it brings and the intended jet-fighter feel it provides. With your arms supported while on the controls, you’re more able to keep the aircraft stable in flight, which can reduce the feeling of turbulence.

Carbon (no fake)
At Shark we don’t make compromises. In the cockpit you’re surrounded by pure carbon plus a Kevlar cage of carbon-aramid fibres. No fakes. Just like in a Ferrari.